Sunday, November 20, 2011

Portfolio Rubric


On Track


Off Track

Reached a well-articulated clarity for yourself about the course content

Evidence of development throughout the course

Meaningfully apply the content of this course to areas outside WEPO—academic and nonacademic

Challenged the course material, reaching your own conclusions

Variety and breadth to the sample of documents in your portfolio

Make connections between work done in and outside of class

Make connections across and between terms we’ve worked with all semester

*Reflection will receive its own letter grade that will be averaged with this portfolio grade to yield your final grade for this assignment

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Remediation Keywords


Fair use



Rhetorical situation


Public domain




Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Remediation Rubric

As someone kindly reminded me, I forgot to create a rubric with you all. Here is the rubric I tend to use. Please feel free to make suggestions that I will consider; otherwise, this is what I will use to assess your projects. Short and simple. To get help with your memo look on the assignment prompt where there is a list of exactly what you need to include in your memo.


On Track


Off Track

The Functionality of the Remediation: it offers something new that readers can’t get from the original

Understanding of your Medium and Engagement with its Affordances: You understand the conventions of your medium and you use both them and the strengths that come with your medium

Understanding your Audience

Effectiveness of the Genre and Medium

Process Memo is a full 3-4 SINGLE-spaced pages and addresses all the components listed in the assignment prompt

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Girl Talk's New Album

Here is a link for Girl Talk's new album online for free. It's an official link and he is putting out the album free of charge himself so it wouldn't be illegal downloading. Shawn is passing on the link to anyone interested:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

An Artist Similar to GirlTalk

     Similar to GirlTalk, Team Teamwork is an artist who remixes (mostly rap) music with music from popular video games (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, 007: Goldeneye, Street Fighter, Mega Man etc.) Much like GirlTalk, Team Teamwork winds up in a lot of legal trouble, but continues to put out quality pieces. Team Teamwork has released four albums, most of which have quite clever names, and all of which can be downloaded (in the same payment fashion as Radiohead's album mentioned in the documentary in class) at his website (

WARNING: Explicit lyrics [drug references, coarse word choice]

Ocarina of Rhyme: Clipse - Virginia (Lost Woods)

Ocarina of Rhyme: Dr. Dre + Snoop Dogg - Still D.R.E. (Getting Treasure)

Monday, November 7, 2011

RiP: A Remix Manifesto

What do you think about Brett Gaylor's manifesto? Do you agree or disagree? In what ways does it connect to your daily life? In ways does it affect how you view your courses and your EWM major? How do you view the future of remix and remediation?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Remediation/Remix: Slap Chop Rap

Slap Chop Rap (By DJ Steve Porter):

Slap Chop commercial (long version):

The video used footage from the movie Breakin' and was eventually aired on tv without that footage as an actual commercial, as per a deal with Vince Offer and Steve Porter. They replaced that footage with a girl dancing and someone in a bunny costume.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Remediation and You

How does remediation connect to your personal life? Have you ever conducted a remediation without knowing it? How so? When? What was your purpose and your process?