Explore how one or more of the keywords--immediacy, transparency, hypermediacy, remediation, repurposing, refashioning--manifests itself in a specific digital space (think Facebook, blogs, Twitter, etc.)
The Internet has become a threshold for many different mediums to be presented in whole new terms, such as through hypermediacy, remediation, and refashioning. As individuals so in-tuned with the Twenty-First Century technologies, these mediums are not necessarily something that jumps out at us a re-use of an older form. For example, websites like Hulu, Netflix, and Youtube offer the viewer the opportunity to select what to watch, when to watch it, and when to stop it. This is considered hypermediacy in the fact that the viewer has the choice. Not only do these websites offer hypermediated mediums, but also mediums that have been remediated and repurposed. Youtube, for instance, allows users to upload their own works. Many have taken advantage of that service to use for projects or just for fun to convey the main ideas of a text. Also, users have also taken older texts and turned them into short films to be posted on Youtube. Deviantart is another website that allows users to upload artwork. When exploring Devivantart, one can see that the mass of what is uploaded is fan art for popular movies, books, and comics. These expressions of favoritism in fan art is another form of remediation in the fact that the characters and/or plot are successively portrayed within the medium. Such websites are so vast on the Web that we have grown accustomed to them and hardly realize that ideas are continuously being reiterated through other mediums. Other websites include, but are not limited to, Wikipedia, Facebook fan pages, and e-books (which are often refashioned from older books to be more accessible because of limited printed issues).
Websites such as facebook and twitter provide users with the feeling of immediacy because it allows others to feel a close connection with other users. This is due to the fact that many people use social networking sites to expose their feelings and emotions. Networking sites allow others access to these details and thoughts of their peers, giving the illusion of community. Youtube allows users to refashion their favorite music videos and films to fit their own ideas. Then, after they have refashioned their medium they allow others to view and commentate on the videos. By having networking sites be able to allow such a free flow of thoughts between viewers, it can create the sense of community and immediacy in the users. Even though it is a digital space, it can feel like a communal area.
New technologies allow for text and communication to easily evolve. Immediacy is an overwhelmingly prevalent theme within these applications on the internet and in other technologies. For example, communication has altered from in person transfers of information, to telephones, telegraphs and faxes, to pagers, and eventually to text messaging. Twitter and status updates on Facebook are products of these developments and, paired with their older counterparts, allow for the immediate and transparent sending of information. Blogs and other such technologies are refashionings of books and journals or diaries. The related writing styles and purposes contribute to the transparency of the content and its easily accessible nature creates a sense of immediacy.
Refashioning is when someone takes an older medium and uses it to create a new medium. When we were asked to define this definition in class my group and I came up with the fashion styles. The reason we thought this was a correct definition of refashioning because fashion takes some new styles and makes new ones. After being given the definition we realized fashion was not a good example of the definition because fads are subjective views of appearance and they do not necessarily takes old fashion and make it new. When this happens people call the style retro and this is an old style that is embraced by the consumer. A good example of refashioning is sampling songs in any genre of music. For example, if you have listen to any song made by Kanye West you will find the song being nice on the ear. You may even see older people listening to his music. The reason is because he samples his songs from older music. He will use the hook from an older song and incorporate it into his new song. Sometimes Kanye may take an entire song that is older and title it different and present it to a different crowd that has never heard the song, to them it is a new song. The song “Good Life” is a song produced by Kanye West. This sample is very vague if you have never heard the song but it is a sample from Michael Jackson’s song “Pretty Young Thing”. He takes a small piece of the original song and makes it into the entire beat for his song. When I think of refashioning this is what come to my mind.
Repurposing is taking “property” from one medium and reusing it in another. When repurposing you are only borrowing some things from the original medium. We see repurposing everywhere from books and movies but especially in fan fiction. Fan fiction is when anyone from anywhere takes their favorite characters from their favorite movies, television shows, books, etc..., and create a new world for them. These characters still have their personalities from their original medium but are added to new plots of the fans making. The fans then publish these stories on websites like FanFiction.net and Twlilighted.net. They are stories not authorized by the original creator therefore the fans always add a disclaimer to their stories. With fan fiction there is not a lot of back story development because the writers always assume that the readers are always fans of the original work and that they know the back stories of each character. When the stories are started they are always works in progress taking anywhere from a day to months for the author to update the story with a new chapter. This keeps the reader anticipating what’s going to happen next. The fans who write these stories do it not for money but for the love of the original work their fan fiction is derived from.
Today, different types of media are oft not recognized by the user. These are social websites, like myspace, facebook and twitter, which have become exceedingly popular. To them, it is simply something which they willingly let infiltrate their lives. The users are sometimes too young to even know the differences and complexities of the media which they use to personal expression. But, these websites are entirely more multifaceted and compound than meets the eye. For example, Bolten states that a new media must replace an old type of media. In the case of myspace, this replacement of old media is very obvious (transparency) and the audience is made very conscious of it. Myspace took the place of music sharing websites, television (for television episodes and advertisements) and overtly displays the same characteristics on the front page of their website. This way, the audience knows that, by using their website, you are simplifying your life by combining three things into one. These new types of social media are also grounds for repurposing. I know from experience that many of my friends took the new freedom they had with Myspace to take the characters from their original settings (movies, songs, or television) and write fan-fiction about them. Albeit, this type of fan-fiction was very mediocre (and written by 14-year-olds) , but it was an interesting model for the new role the “repurposing” took on. The same characters found their way into promotions, advertisement and design, repurposing the content of other media to suit a new purpose: appeal to the memories and interests of the teen and young adult audience.
Refashioning is constantly taking place throughout the digital world with MySpace, Facebook, Twitter,etc. I feel as if every time I turn around, Facebook specifically, has a new layout or some type of update. These websites are very competitive and always out to have one up on the other. I don't think that Twitter refashions as much and that is one thing that I pride them on, sometimes things are taken to the extreme. A very good example of refashioning is the way that MySpace has tried to adapt to the way that Facebook runs and looks, recognizing the site as there biggest competition. I also think that transparency takes place often within the social world via internet. People often times like to pretend as if they are someone that they really aren't on the web, talking in ways that they normally would not or having a personality that is much more outgoing when they are typing. They feel as if there real identity is transparent when there is a computer between them. They also make up ficticious people so they can live vicariously through that person or character.
Hypermediacy is ever-present on facebook. The way in which a profile can consist of videos, statuses, notes, pictures, and polls is astonishing. The transitions between these different medias is so abrupt that it is almost subtle. While you are very aware of the intense hypermediacy of facebook, there is also an element of the design which lends itself to transparency; the style is so stream-lined that the content shines through. Users don't really even notice the white background or the format; just the content, except when the format changes; then all of the users become hyper-aware to the media. After that, the form becomes the content.
Through the use of the internet and Web 2.0, the diary/journal has been repurposed in the digital age in the form of blogs, facebook, myspace, and twitter. These various forms of social networking have revolutionized the way we get our thoughts out in the world. In this way, the internet has allowed us to remediate our thoughts through various iterations. Of course, all of our thoughts began in our minds, and were then transferred over to the print medium as diaries and such. Nowadays, our nation's youth, glued to the internet as always, has taken to the internet to achieve an avenue to vent their thoughts. With the streamlining of features and the constant redesign of website layouts, sites like Facebook have begun to acquire a more minimalistic format that promotes the transparency of this new medium.
I think hypermediacy plays a huge role in sites like facebook. There are different sections of the page that are layed out with different media. There is the newsfeed on the home page with images, text and often videos, a side bar for scrolling feed and a window for chat. This compliation of media is made aware to the user that they can control what it is they see and how they will interact with the website. I also think that facebook utilizes refashioning on a very regular basis. Every time they issue a new layout with different features or physical appearance, they are refashioning older media to keep up with the newest version. One must also take into consideration the refashioning among different facets of social media. Myspace had to refashion itself in order to keep up with facebook, as well as twitter establishing itself off the popularity of status updates on facebook. The different keywords of remediation can be found in many different aspect of our new digital media.
Immediacy and transparency essentially have the same meaning. Immediacy describes the content, while transparency describes the interface. Immediacy and hypermediacy are inextricably linked. By acquiring a sense of immediacy, a person is still acknowledging that this media is there. An attempt at manifesting immediacy in a digital space is the newest version of Sims. The game is enhancing its computer graphics and making the content so relatable to real life that it is getting closer than its previous forms to immediacy. Gamers get so caught up in the experience of playing the game and identifying with their avatars that immediacy is almost achieved. Hypermediacy is still apparent though through the use of controllers. By using controllers, the medium is obvious to the audience. This is how immediacy and hypermediacy will always go hand in hand.
Refashioning appears to be everywhere lately on all the "important" websites of todays society. Although myspace is not as popular as Twitter or Facebook, it still seems to be changing its layout every so ofter, but of course not as much as Facebook. I believe they do it in order to keep the appeal to the audience they are trying to reach, but for instance, Facebook refashions itself way too much in a short period of time. Facebook is now trying to compete with Google Plus, as google allows you to view what you're friends are doing at every moment as they post things, so is Facebook. They are adapting to sudden changes in competing websites to maintain the amount of users they have and to increase the user amount. There is an abundance of social medias coming into play now in time and there is a lot of competition for these websites who are "old" to keep up to date with the new programs and ideas for their web pages, thus the refashioning of all these internet media worlds.
Constant in rapid technological advancements is the pursuit of immediacy. Consumers of technology want to forget that they are using technology, and desire a sense of “liveness” or fabricated reality. The internet attempts to create a sense of immediacy in many ways. From Bolter, we learn that news websites, like CNN structure their pages to mimic live television, and create a more authentic experience. Social networking sites, while always clearly a site, full of text and pictures, create a sense of reality by allowing the user to speak with (via chat) and observe the lives of their friends instantly. Sites like Facebook and Twitter allow people to connect with one another instantly regardless of distance. Certain online roleplaying games also attempt to create a sense of immediacy by allowing the player to craft their own character and essentially lead the character’s virtual life. In the realm of online games, or videogames in general, we also find the concept of transparency; the user (hopefully) recognizes that the double life is part of a game, but still, they come away with immediacy, or the sense of having “lived” and experience.
Facebook is one of the most common social networking spaces in the world. Facebook has managed to cater to people of all ages and I do believe that is because of hypermediacy. Facebook created a need to be visually connected with a large group of people on a daily basis. But Facebook took it farther by adding hyperlinks, videos and advertisements. The Space is now multi-dimentional. Facebook utilizes so many different types of media. It uses the interent of course but within it web pages, you can blog, you can link your twitter, you can link youtube videos, you can link news articles, all while checking on your friend across the world. Facebook is a unique space that I can only see growing. Because of its digital nature, it has been able to grow with the media of today
Youtube is a website that connects us all over the world. People can post videos, write about what they think and see, put up music, write poetry and literature, even politicians could run an entire political campaign and people would notice. Youtube is not just a website that contains videos, but a protean vehicle that harpoons itself into our homes, schools, and work places.Youtube is a site that allows people to share and express themselves culturally and but individually.
Youtubers usually use remediation when they post something on, youtube. People can show their interpretations of different mediums. Whether it is film and music, politics, or even history. Millions upon millions of videos are remakes of novels, plays, or films attempting to show the work from a different perspective. Just type in Romeo and Juliet and you will no doubt get thousands of videos that remediate William Shakespeare's masterpiece.
Repurposing is also used in many of the videos on youtube. Parodies are what makes up much of youtube's content. There are many parodies of movies, books, plays, news cast, and more. However, people do not just repurpose through parodies, but also take ideas such as plots or stories from other works and repurpose it. Many filmmakers do this, and musicians as well.
Youtube is one of the key websites for us in the twenty first century. It is a site of ideas and individuals. It is a place where people can express themselves whether through remediation, repurposing, or an original idea. It's content share people's cultural, religious, and political views. Youtube maybe the one website that actually can cause a complete revolution in people coming together universally and sharing their thoughts, we just need to realize its true potential.
Within the two most popular social networking sites--Facebook and Twitter--, repurposing plays a large role. These two social networking media took the idea of a diary or journal and made it into a publicly shared experience via the Internet. However, with the ability to post content outside of Facebook (images, videos, links) the media experiences hypermedia-like alterations from the journal/diary form. The refashioning this media experiences compared to a journal or diary results in its absorption of the paper versions into this digital version while applying other features which enhance the spectrum of possibilities the media contains.
Remediation has been a big part of the digital world. Over time there have been many great books that have been changed into a new medium such as film finding new ways to entertain people with the same material, or story line. Marvel comic books were action filled with super hero's and super villain's, so much action in fact, that several of the comics were turned into movies and television series. Sex In The City is another good example of remediation, but one example that I love would be Harry Potter. All seven books were created into film, and from the very first book the "Sorcerer's Stone," the magical world seems real. The Harry Potter Movie's had immediacy because it felt as if you were there in that world, apart of the experience so the medium is forgotten about. When watching any of the Harry Potter Movies especially in 3D you are still aware of what is happening just not aware that you are still sitting in a theater. Immediacy in remediation and in a digital space can help reach out to entertain people that it may not have in its original medium.
The Internet has become a threshold for many different mediums to be presented in whole new terms, such as through hypermediacy, remediation, and refashioning. As individuals so in-tuned with the Twenty-First Century technologies, these mediums are not necessarily something that jumps out at us a re-use of an older form. For example, websites like Hulu, Netflix, and Youtube offer the viewer the opportunity to select what to watch, when to watch it, and when to stop it. This is considered hypermediacy in the fact that the viewer has the choice. Not only do these websites offer hypermediated mediums, but also mediums that have been remediated and repurposed. Youtube, for instance, allows users to upload their own works. Many have taken advantage of that service to use for projects or just for fun to convey the main ideas of a text. Also, users have also taken older texts and turned them into short films to be posted on Youtube. Deviantart is another website that allows users to upload artwork. When exploring Devivantart, one can see that the mass of what is uploaded is fan art for popular movies, books, and comics. These expressions of favoritism in fan art is another form of remediation in the fact that the characters and/or plot are successively portrayed within the medium. Such websites are so vast on the Web that we have grown accustomed to them and hardly realize that ideas are continuously being reiterated through other mediums. Other websites include, but are not limited to, Wikipedia, Facebook fan pages, and e-books (which are often refashioned from older books to be more accessible because of limited printed issues).
ReplyDeleteWebsites such as facebook and twitter provide users with the feeling of immediacy because it allows others to feel a close connection with other users. This is due to the fact that many people use social networking sites to expose their feelings and emotions. Networking sites allow others access to these details and thoughts of their peers, giving the illusion of community. Youtube allows users to refashion their favorite music videos and films to fit their own ideas. Then, after they have refashioned their medium they allow others to view and commentate on the videos. By having networking sites be able to allow such a free flow of thoughts between viewers, it can create the sense of community and immediacy in the users. Even though it is a digital space, it can feel like a communal area.
ReplyDeleteNew technologies allow for text and communication to easily evolve. Immediacy is an overwhelmingly prevalent theme within these applications on the internet and in other technologies. For example, communication has altered from in person transfers of information, to telephones, telegraphs and faxes, to pagers, and eventually to text messaging. Twitter and status updates on Facebook are products of these developments and, paired with their older counterparts, allow for the immediate and transparent sending of information. Blogs and other such technologies are refashionings of books and journals or diaries. The related writing styles and purposes contribute to the transparency of the content and its easily accessible nature creates a sense of immediacy.
ReplyDeleteRefashioning is when someone takes an older medium and uses it to create a new medium. When we were asked to define this definition in class my group and I came up with the fashion styles. The reason we thought this was a correct definition of refashioning because fashion takes some new styles and makes new ones. After being given the definition we realized fashion was not a good example of the definition because fads are subjective views of appearance and they do not necessarily takes old fashion and make it new. When this happens people call the style retro and this is an old style that is embraced by the consumer.
ReplyDeleteA good example of refashioning is sampling songs in any genre of music. For example, if you have listen to any song made by Kanye West you will find the song being nice on the ear. You may even see older people listening to his music. The reason is because he samples his songs from older music. He will use the hook from an older song and incorporate it into his new song. Sometimes Kanye may take an entire song that is older and title it different and present it to a different crowd that has never heard the song, to them it is a new song. The song “Good Life” is a song produced by Kanye West. This sample is very vague if you have never heard the song but it is a sample from Michael Jackson’s song “Pretty Young Thing”. He takes a small piece of the original song and makes it into the entire beat for his song. When I think of refashioning this is what come to my mind.
Repurposing is taking “property” from one medium and reusing it in another. When repurposing you are only borrowing some things from the original medium. We see repurposing everywhere from books and movies but especially in fan fiction. Fan fiction is when anyone from anywhere takes their favorite characters from their favorite movies, television shows, books, etc..., and create a new world for them. These characters still have their personalities from their original medium but are added to new plots of the fans making. The fans then publish these stories on websites like FanFiction.net and Twlilighted.net. They are stories not authorized by the original creator therefore the fans always add a disclaimer to their stories. With fan fiction there is not a lot of back story development because the writers always assume that the readers are always fans of the original work and that they know the back stories of each character. When the stories are started they are always works in progress taking anywhere from a day to months for the author to update the story with a new chapter. This keeps the reader anticipating what’s going to happen next. The fans who write these stories do it not for money but for the love of the original work their fan fiction is derived from.
ReplyDeleteToday, different types of media are oft not recognized by the user. These are social websites, like myspace, facebook and twitter, which have become exceedingly popular. To them, it is simply something which they willingly let infiltrate their lives. The users are sometimes too young to even know the differences and complexities of the media which they use to personal expression. But, these websites are entirely more multifaceted and compound than meets the eye. For example, Bolten states that a new media must replace an old type of media. In the case of myspace, this replacement of old media is very obvious (transparency) and the audience is made very conscious of it. Myspace took the place of music sharing websites, television (for television episodes and advertisements) and overtly displays the same characteristics on the front page of their website. This way, the audience knows that, by using their website, you are simplifying your life by combining three things into one.
ReplyDeleteThese new types of social media are also grounds for repurposing. I know from experience that many of my friends took the new freedom they had with Myspace to take the characters from their original settings (movies, songs, or television) and write fan-fiction about them. Albeit, this type of fan-fiction was very mediocre (and written by 14-year-olds) , but it was an interesting model for the new role the “repurposing” took on. The same characters found their way into promotions, advertisement and design, repurposing the content of other media to suit a new purpose: appeal to the memories and interests of the teen and young adult audience.
Refashioning is constantly taking place throughout the digital world with MySpace, Facebook, Twitter,etc. I feel as if every time I turn around, Facebook specifically, has a new layout or some type of update. These websites are very competitive and always out to have one up on the other. I don't think that Twitter refashions as much and that is one thing that I pride them on, sometimes things are taken to the extreme. A very good example of refashioning is the way that MySpace has tried to adapt to the way that Facebook runs and looks, recognizing the site as there biggest competition. I also think that transparency takes place often within the social world via internet. People often times like to pretend as if they are someone that they really aren't on the web, talking in ways that they normally would not or having a personality that is much more outgoing when they are typing. They feel as if there real identity is transparent when there is a computer between them. They also make up ficticious people so they can live vicariously through that person or character.
ReplyDeleteHypermediacy is ever-present on facebook. The way in which a profile can consist of videos, statuses, notes, pictures, and polls is astonishing. The transitions between these different medias is so abrupt that it is almost subtle. While you are very aware of the intense hypermediacy of facebook, there is also an element of the design which lends itself to transparency; the style is so stream-lined that the content shines through. Users don't really even notice the white background or the format; just the content, except when the format changes; then all of the users become hyper-aware to the media. After that, the form becomes the content.
ReplyDeleteThrough the use of the internet and Web 2.0, the diary/journal has been repurposed in the digital age in the form of blogs, facebook, myspace, and twitter. These various forms of social networking have revolutionized the way we get our thoughts out in the world. In this way, the internet has allowed us to remediate our thoughts through various iterations. Of course, all of our thoughts began in our minds, and were then transferred over to the print medium as diaries and such. Nowadays, our nation's youth, glued to the internet as always, has taken to the internet to achieve an avenue to vent their thoughts. With the streamlining of features and the constant redesign of website layouts, sites like Facebook have begun to acquire a more minimalistic format that promotes the transparency of this new medium.
ReplyDeleteI think hypermediacy plays a huge role in sites like facebook. There are different sections of the page that are layed out with different media. There is the newsfeed on the home page with images, text and often videos, a side bar for scrolling feed and a window for chat. This compliation of media is made aware to the user that they can control what it is they see and how they will interact with the website. I also think that facebook utilizes refashioning on a very regular basis. Every time they issue a new layout with different features or physical appearance, they are refashioning older media to keep up with the newest version. One must also take into consideration the refashioning among different facets of social media. Myspace had to refashion itself in order to keep up with facebook, as well as twitter establishing itself off the popularity of status updates on facebook. The different keywords of remediation can be found in many different aspect of our new digital media.
ReplyDeleteImmediacy and transparency essentially have the same meaning. Immediacy describes the content, while transparency describes the interface. Immediacy and hypermediacy are inextricably linked. By acquiring a sense of immediacy, a person is still acknowledging that this media is there. An attempt at manifesting immediacy in a digital space is the newest version of Sims. The game is enhancing its computer graphics and making the content so relatable to real life that it is getting closer than its previous forms to immediacy. Gamers get so caught up in the experience of playing the game and identifying with their avatars that immediacy is almost achieved. Hypermediacy is still apparent though through the use of controllers. By using controllers, the medium is obvious to the audience. This is how immediacy and hypermediacy will always go hand in hand.
ReplyDeleteRefashioning appears to be everywhere lately on all the "important" websites of todays society. Although myspace is not as popular as Twitter or Facebook, it still seems to be changing its layout every so ofter, but of course not as much as Facebook. I believe they do it in order to keep the appeal to the audience they are trying to reach, but for instance, Facebook refashions itself way too much in a short period of time. Facebook is now trying to compete with Google Plus, as google allows you to view what you're friends are doing at every moment as they post things, so is Facebook. They are adapting to sudden changes in competing websites to maintain the amount of users they have and to increase the user amount. There is an abundance of social medias coming into play now in time and there is a lot of competition for these websites who are "old" to keep up to date with the new programs and ideas for their web pages, thus the refashioning of all these internet media worlds.
ReplyDeleteConstant in rapid technological advancements is the pursuit of immediacy. Consumers of technology want to forget that they are using technology, and desire a sense of “liveness” or fabricated reality. The internet attempts to create a sense of immediacy in many ways. From Bolter, we learn that news websites, like CNN structure their pages to mimic live television, and create a more authentic experience. Social networking sites, while always clearly a site, full of text and pictures, create a sense of reality by allowing the user to speak with (via chat) and observe the lives of their friends instantly. Sites like Facebook and Twitter allow people to connect with one another instantly regardless of distance. Certain online roleplaying games also attempt to create a sense of immediacy by allowing the player to craft their own character and essentially lead the character’s virtual life. In the realm of online games, or videogames in general, we also find the concept of transparency; the user (hopefully) recognizes that the double life is part of a game, but still, they come away with immediacy, or the sense of having “lived” and experience.
ReplyDeleteFacebook is one of the most common social networking spaces in the world. Facebook has managed to cater to people of all ages and I do believe that is because of hypermediacy. Facebook created a need to be visually connected with a large group of people on a daily basis. But Facebook took it farther by adding hyperlinks, videos and advertisements. The Space is now multi-dimentional. Facebook utilizes so many different types of media. It uses the interent of course but within it web pages, you can blog, you can link your twitter, you can link youtube videos, you can link news articles, all while checking on your friend across the world. Facebook is a unique space that I can only see growing. Because of its digital nature, it has been able to grow with the media of today
ReplyDeleteYoutube is a website that connects us all over the world. People can post videos, write about what they think and see, put up music, write poetry and literature, even politicians could run an entire political campaign and people would notice. Youtube is not just a website that contains videos, but a protean vehicle that harpoons itself into our homes, schools, and work places.Youtube is a site that allows people to share and express themselves culturally and but individually.
ReplyDeleteYoutubers usually use remediation when they post something on, youtube. People can show their interpretations of different mediums. Whether it is film and music, politics, or even history. Millions upon millions of videos are remakes of novels, plays, or films attempting to show the work from a different perspective. Just type in Romeo and Juliet and you will no doubt get thousands of videos that remediate William Shakespeare's masterpiece.
Repurposing is also used in many of the videos on youtube. Parodies are what makes up much of youtube's content. There are many parodies of movies, books, plays, news cast, and more. However, people do not just repurpose through parodies, but also take ideas such as plots or stories from other works and repurpose it. Many filmmakers do this, and musicians as well.
Youtube is one of the key websites for us in the twenty first century. It is a site of ideas and individuals. It is a place where people can express themselves whether through remediation, repurposing, or an original idea. It's content share people's cultural, religious, and political views. Youtube maybe the one website that actually can cause a complete revolution in people coming together universally and sharing their thoughts, we just need to realize its true potential.
Within the two most popular social networking sites--Facebook and Twitter--, repurposing plays a large role. These two social networking media took the idea of a diary or journal and made it into a publicly shared experience via the Internet. However, with the ability to post content outside of Facebook (images, videos, links) the media experiences hypermedia-like alterations from the journal/diary form. The refashioning this media experiences compared to a journal or diary results in its absorption of the paper versions into this digital version while applying other features which enhance the spectrum of possibilities the media contains.
ReplyDeleteRemediation has been a big part of the digital world. Over time there have been many great books that have been changed into a new medium such as film finding new ways to entertain people with the same material, or story line. Marvel comic books were action filled with super hero's and super villain's, so much action in fact, that several of the comics were turned into movies and television series.
ReplyDeleteSex In The City is another good example of remediation, but one example that I love would be Harry Potter. All seven books were created into film, and from the very first book the "Sorcerer's Stone," the magical world seems real. The Harry Potter Movie's had immediacy because it felt as if you were there in that world, apart of the experience so the medium is forgotten about. When watching any of the Harry Potter Movies especially in 3D you are still aware of what is happening just not aware that you are still sitting in a theater. Immediacy in remediation and in a digital space can help reach out to entertain people that it may not have in its original medium.